Debt Repayment Analysis
L. J. Hart & Company can provide several debt repayment plans based upon current market conditions, tax collection rates, assessed valuation growth assumptions, etc.The analysis services of L. J. Hart & Company helps the issuer anticipate future cash flow obstacles or take advantage of certain opportunities. By partnering with us, it becomes easier for local decision makers to select a plan that best meets their goals and enhances the chances for voter approval when necessary.
Refunding Analysis
Refunding Analysis - Providing our client issuers with the best possible redemption provisions is a speciality of L. J. Hart & Company. With the company’s philosophy of structuring financings with short call features, or the ability to pay off debt early, opportunities to refinance existing debt and enjoy significant interest savings may be available. To save money, it is beneficial to take advantage of opportunities to refinance debt with more attractive interest rates and achieve greater flexibility on future facility needs.
Guaranteed Performance Contracts
Guaranteed Performance Contracts - Missouri statutes provide additional flexibility to enter into guaranteed performance contracts with energy service companies to make energy and safety related improvements to existing facilities. Depending on your circumstances, guaranteed performance contracts can provide improved facility energy efficiency and reduced energy costs.
Credit Enhancement
Credit Enhancement - Credit enhancement is a method whereby an entity attempts to improve its credit worthiness. With credit enhancement, the lender is provided with reassurance that the borrower will honor its obligation through insurance, additional collateral or a third party guarantee.
L. J. Hart & Company completes most of the application and can assist in the data gathering process. The company has considerable experience in working with all rating agencies as well as the firms that provide municipal bond insurance to local governments. Having the benefit of this experience is useful in expediting the process, receiving competitive pricing of the insurance fee quotes, as well as the achievement of professional respect for the quality and completeness of the presentation.
Credit Ratings
Credit Ratings - An assessment of credit worthiness can be obtained through a credit rating. The credit rating is based upon the fiscal management of the issuer’s history of borrowing and repayment, as well as the availability of assets and the extent of an entities liability.
L. J. Hart & Company provides complete services to issuers to apply for underlying credit ratings. We help compile, submit, and present the data that rating agencies request in this process. In addition, we provide insight into the rating process to assist the borrower in pursuing long term strategies to help maintain and strengthen these ratings.